About Northeast Classic
"Our main goal is to inform as many young adults as possible about the importance of cancer screening and prevention."
Before moving to Simsbury, Connecticut in 2016 the Curtis family lived just outside of Burlington, Vermont. Ryan Curtis was the Head Men's Lacrosse Coach at the University of Vermont from 2006-2016. In 2007 one of Ryan's players was diagnosed with testicular cancer. As luck would have it Kelly Curtis had worked in Genitourinary Oncology at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute when the couple lived in Boston. Ryan's player saw the doctor that Kelly used to work with and underwent surgery and radiation that winter. He was then able to play in every game of his senior year and is in full remission today. Since 2007 three additional UVM Men's Lacrosse Players have been diagnosed with cancer. Throughout this process, the Curtis' and the team learned a great deal about cancer screening and prevention. They took it upon themselves to help educate as many student athletes and young adults as possible through awareness events and lacrosse tournaments throughout the year.
With the help of some amazingly dedicated volunteers, the Northeast Classic has evolved into a something truly amazing. Through our tournaments and awareness events we have donated over $200,000 to cancer research at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and have handed roughly 100,000 cancer screening and prevention booklets to college students and event participants all over New England. Our online cancer information page has been accessed all over the world.
Ryan and Kelly currently live and work at The Westminster School in Simsbury, Connecticut and were given the opportunity to continue our mission on campus and in our new community. We are very excited to announce our future events for 2017-2018:
The Northeast Classic will host "Hope On The Hill" on April 22, 2018, which is a walk/run to support cancer research at The Westminster School in Simsbury, CT. This will be a 5K, 10K and walk, which will take place on Westminster's beautiful cross country trail and campus.
We plan to host two youth lacrosse events in the Spring as well. Stay tuned for more details!
Please contact us if you have any questions, would like to sponsor the event, or are interested in becoming a vendor.
A huge thank you goes out to Brian Burke who created this awesome video for us. This is a great look at our last college lacrosse tournament:
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